One From Brendan 11

Before reading, be advised this is just art and words on a's not meant to offend..thank you.. Here! .. have a cigarette ! have a pack! awwww what's wrong? did mommy and daddy tell you not too?. did the dr say it's just too bad? i have zero morals so why should you? hoo - now take a drag, suck it up fuzzball...hey you!, yeah you staring at the donuts and worried about the calorie counting? take the dam donut!, take the whole box and eat the lot, have all the Donuts you can eat ! what's wrong?, no fat shaming here, I’m being sarcastic ......what about you?, yeah the one that's too depressed, nihilistic, socially awkward, i would say go get help but wake up, your brains gone bye bye..keep playing with yourself,you will go blind.. .hey pretty selfie addicted taker, constantly posting on FB!, no matter what angle you take , you can't shine a turd.... look up to me! the Enabler! i want you to fail...hey gambler?, you worried a...