A Life In Suggested Mass

Little beginnings sometimes have great endings. Benvento Cellini. Yeah, we got that. Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Action oriented. So few things are fun by yourself. Chess, for instance. I have tried playing against myself but that guy is always a step ahead of me. I have two electric guitars to work on and what a snooze that is. I guess I will have to settle for some vigorous exercise. Run around the block or some damn thing. Oh, hell , it's raining again. Stuck in the house with nothing but the internet to look at. I guess I'll think of something. Billy sat by the pool in the 100 degree heat and practiced marksmanship with his old pump Crosman air pistol. He got loaded on beer and smoke, bunnies are known for their intemperate ways and iron heads. A bird landed on the target tree and he sang his little heart out. Billy has never missed anything at less t...