
Showing posts from September, 2022


 Continuing the decades series we reach the 1980's! "Big hair" was all the rage for hair styles as this tigress shows us! From sketch~ To finished painting~ To video!  

Country Music Philosophy

    Bob Wills is not a guide post for life.

AM Antics

I bought that Murano clown decanter back around 1993 for 25 dollars.  I had it on a shelf with some other stuff I delight in, way in the back.  About 2 in the morning I heard the crash.  One of my little darlings had gotten in the shelf and pushed the decanter unto the floor.  Cats are a delight and a reward no one should go without.


 Here is Jessica, a lioness from the 1970's! She's the eleventh girl in my decades series. From sketch~ To finished painting-with Farrah Fawcett hair! To video~ Long live disco!

The 'It Equine' Sierra!

Hi Guys ! Imagine My Little Pony meeting up with Barbie for some fashion advice and you've got a pretty good idea of what I have for you today !  This is Sierra , one of the four Struts horses, who were introduced by Playmates Toys in 2008 .   Everything you might want to know about Sierra, or " Sia " as her friends call her, is right here on the back of the package .  Naturally, I've got some questions .  How does a horse get into a kayak ?  How do horses eat pizza ?  I'm all about suspension of disbelief , but some things I just can't let go !  Oh well, it's just a toy , right?  And you sure don't want to put limits on a kid's imagination ! Wait , how does a horse apply lipstick , rouge , and eye shadow ?  Never mind, let's move on ! Here's some of Sierra's friends .  You can tell by their names where they come from .  Hey, if you have hooves , why do you need shoes ?  How do you put those things on , anyway?  How can you ea