Rabbits, Posted By Billy D Bunny, Who Else?

Blind Man's Buff, 19th century postcard. Eugene Osswald, Fliegende Blätter , 1923. 'Flying Pages' is a good translation. Eugene Osswald, The Animal's Ball, 1017 The Brother Bears and Other Stories by Anna Williams Arnett, 1927 Aubrey Hopwood and Seymour Hicks. The Sleepy King, 1900 Cave painting from Lascaux, c.18,000 BCE. University of Chicago's 1908 yearbook. Signed 'Bate'. Winter Adventure, Theodore Kittlesen. This guy rocks! https://misterscribbles.blogspot.com/2018/12/theodor-kittlesen.html Diane De Groat, Little Bunny's Loose Tooth Kladderdastch Magazine, 1924. By the Cincinnati born Arthur Johnson, a Nazi. Krokodil, 1956. I cannot find the artist, this is presumably encouraging people to grow and/or eat vegetables. Excellent drawing. Again with the Eugene Osswald! Osswald. Frank A. ...