
Showing posts from July, 2024

Katnip Kollege

 Released by Warner Brothers in 1938,Katnip Kollege was about a hip school that taught the kitties how to swing!  Poor Johnny was still a decade  behind in the 1920's,only being able to sing vo-dee-do and so on. To impress Kitty Bright, he finally learns he has swingin' in  his soul! My fan art ~from sketch~ To finished painting~ To video featuring a song from the film~

Despair Is A Sin, Poverty A Character Flaw

In theory things will probably get better, yet- The glass is falling, hour by hour, The glass will fall forever. But if you break the bloody glass You won't hold up the weather.* The glass has fallen all my life, I know it falls forever But if you cannot rake it in, it's useless being clever. Born with razor claws, or a wicked tusk? You're still outgunned by Elon Musk!   *Poem quote from Bagpipe Music , Louis MacNeice.  1938.  


 Just wonderful.

Miss Alaska

A husky girl amid the Northern Lights! From sketch~ To finished painting~ To video with the Northern Lights~  

Faith And Glory

The incredible artist and all around good sport FlapperFoxy is now a co-owner of this blog, with all entitlements and privileges thereof.  That means if me and Andy get rich she will as well.  She kept posting through a one year slump where nobody checked in on us, still trying to figure out what happened.  I'm going to nail her name to the masthead when I re-learn to navigate Blogger, damme if I don't. A belated huzzah for this most talented of Furry illustrators and congrats to Foxy for her coming vast fortune. You've always been aboard, kiddo, I just forgot to say 'Welcome'!

I'm Going Back To Austin (Rockport Blues Song)

Singing The Salt Air Dead Fish Living Grave Retirement Home Blues Well, I'm going back to Austin, I got no friends down here. I'm going back to Austin, The salt air ruins my beer. If I had my druthers, I never would have gone. So I'm going home to Austin and I'm gonna tie one on! Now living here beside the bay is pretty awful strange. These rich folk make me feel real poor, in the streets the deer do range. Half the view is water, the other half is sand What radio stations I can get are best described as 'bland'. Everyone in Austin carries a guitar. From the bearded bum in traffic, to the guy behind the bar. Everyone in Austin can always find good weed, Why, the kids outside of any school will get you all you need. So I'm headed back to Austin, I most devoutly wish. Here the guys just stare at me 'cause I don't like to fish. Oh dear old Travis County, I never thought I'd say, That Colorado River would look so good today. Yep,

Miss Maine

 A Maine lass and her lighthouse~from sketch~ To finished painting~ To video!

An Unexpected Catch

Whatever I had hooked it was big, I thought.  I pulled back not too hard on the line, I was using a light rig as I didn't expect to catch anything large, heck, I didn't expect to catch anything.  So when my rod bent and didn't move, of course I thought I had snagged one of the wharf pilings.  I slowly pulled on it so that I didn't break the line, and to my surprise I found I could reel in the line some.  A fish that heavy should be fighting, lord knows what I had hooked.  I dropped the rod and started pulling the line slowly, and soon it was smoothly coming my way.  Then I saw what I had hooked and was as sick as I have ever been.  The body of a fully clothed woman was bobbing in the shallow waves, my hook had caught in her dress.  I know nothing of pathology, but she had been in the water for some time.  The crabs had been at her eyes and I looked no more but called the cops, thank goodness I had phone service.  I left my rod leaning against the han


  Fell asleep last night reading about Quatre Bras.  This is, well, just the idea of an English soldier.  Pay no attention to the garland of different size cannon balls.  I blame sobriety!  " Napoleon Bonaparte is regarded as one of the most successful Generals of the western world. He led a massive army to conquer half of Europe, established the Napoleonic Code, and appointed himself "Emperor" of France. But, instead of being synonymous with leadership, wit, or victory, the "Napoleon" name today means one thing to most people: A short, angry man. This is all thanks to one British artist named James Gillray, who spent years producing dozens of caricatures that attacked Napoleon. Despite never having seen or met Napoleon in person before, Gillray consistently portrayed the Emperor as a short, spiteful man who aimed to conquer other lands in order to compensate for his height. What started as a series of satirical drawings became a full-fledged propaganda o


 A bunny girl in 1920's flapper style! From sketch~ To finished painting~ In vintage sepia-tone~ To video!

Moping Melancholy Mad!

I went down to Satan's kitchen To break my fast one morning. And there I got souls piping hot All on the spit a-turning. I seized a hissing cauldron - where boiled ten thousand harlots - Though full of flame I drank the same to the health of all such varlets. My staff has murdered giants, my bag a long knife carries - To cut mince pies from children's thighs, for which to feed the fairies. With a host of furious fancies Whereof I am commander, With a burning spear and a horse of air, To the wilderness I wander. By a knight of ghosts and shadows I summoned am to tourney. Ten leagues beyond the wide world's end: Methinks it is no journey. Yet will I beg for kindly aid - I'll take any alms or drink or clothing. Come dame or maid, be not afraid, Poor Tom will injure nothing. This is a a combination of two old songs, Tom O'Bedlam's Search and Mad Maudlin's Search , both first recorded in Thomas d'Urfey's Wit And Mirth, or Pills To Purge