
My Politics

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn .      ( In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming). After all... why choose the lesser evil? Don't be devoured first - Vote Eldritch Party.  (Political ad paid for by the Friends Of Wilbur Society - Dunwich, Massachusetts).  Ygnailh... ygnaiih... thflthkh'ngha.... Yog-Sothoth!

Death Of Commodus

  31 December 192.  The Emporer Commodus is strangled in his bath by his 'wrestling partner' Narcissus, as seen in BunnyVision©. One of my first good rabbit drawings, and a favorite.  2013.

Lotus Dancer

 A Siamese cat from Thailand dances serenely while her dragon guardians look on~ from sketch~ To finished painting~ To video~

Carpe Diem

YOLO, Billy Original, before inking. The original is probably 'better' but outlining gives impact to an otherwise dull rabbit drawing.   

Baltimore Oriole

 It's a bird,a baseball team,and a 1940's song with a very "noir" vibe!  In vintage sepia tone~ To video! The best lyric in this song? "I'd like to ruffle his plumage."

Undeserved But What A Great Song!

Jesse James we understand, Has killed him many a man. He robbed the Union trains! But history does record, That Bob and Charlie Ford Have laid Jesse James in his grave It was on a Saturday night The stars were shining bright, When they robbed that Union train! And it was one of the Younger boys That gathered in the spoils, And carried that money away. In his small home unaware, A-straightening pictures there He thought he heard a noise- And as he turned his head Well, the bullet killed him dead. Fired by Bob Ford, one of the boys. Poor Jesse had a wife She lived a lady all her life! The children they were brave- But history does record That Bob and Charlie Ford, Have laid Jesse James in his grave.   Jesse James by Ry Cooder, from The Long Riders soundtrack.  1980.     Bob Ford was the dirty little coward that shot Mister Howard.  (The false name Jesse was living under).  In April 3, 1882, after eating breakfast...

Judges To The Rescue!

Tobacco, sugar, and smiling are all prohibited in Megahutch-One.  Anyone enjoying themselves in any way is up to something, without a doubt... without a doubt .  Judges Bun, Stompy, and Thumper are the front line against scofflaws and ne'er do wells, and it looks like these vicious felons will have plenty of opportunity to reflect upon their sins.  Hospital stays do not count as time served.