
Star-Crossed, Part 8

To Bee Continued...

Satyr KIng: Spring Rites

Entry for King of the Monster Gods’ spring contest The Satyr King. This is by far the most complex monster he has devised that I have attempted. I’m not entirely satisfied. It seems static—though the snakes have a lot of swirling spin to them. I suppose it’s because I was focusing so much on the form of the Monster. I felt honor bound to finish him though, since I’d begun! I recently made the commitment to regularly create. When I was young, I typically worked on something tangible everyday,but I ended up choosing my music degree instead of my art degree and wound up with not much time or creative energy for my visual work. I am trying to be working on something all the time. I still perform, and still have to write way too much for my job, but the thing is, if you are an artist of any sort, ya gotta do breaks out even if you don't have you might as well give in! (This lady is still

Jumping Jive!

The Drape Shape! Some 1940's hep cats-to see the art in progress,go to…    The Zoot Cat, 1944.  MGM.  Ms. Flapper believes in tradition. The Bee's Knees!

Such A Mean Little Bunny!

Billy got turned down for that Easter gig and I fear he may be a bit grumpy today.  It seems the studio wanted a different look.  Billy's still mad about how his Donnie Darko audition turned out.   Happy Easter.

Star-Crossed, Part 7

To Be Continued...

Leda And The Swan

Igor Zeinalov, Sculptor The story which I am about to relate Is a tale of Love that some people might hate; For the hero and heroine are somewhat mis-matched, Proving Love doesn't give a damn how it is...hatched! A young woman named Leda, with long golden hair, Did stroll on the river-bank, quite unaware That a stalker was following her, cruising along On the cool water's surface, while she sang this song: "O, where is the man who will steal my heart? Let him come to me now, and we ne'er will part!" As she finished her ditty, to Leda's surprise A great white swan landed in front of her eyes! The majestic bird bowed his long neck, and his head Rubbed against her bare legs---Leda shivered, and said: "O, how lovely!  Are you a Prince under a spell? If I kissed you, do you think it would make you well?" The Swan opened his beak in a wide wicked leer, And Leda grew flustered as the bird waddled near--- She saw a Lightning-shaped mark on hi

The Garden's Secret

   Something was about to happen in the garden. The bees had stopped gathering, and even the flies paused in their buzzing. They could feel it. Something unusual and unexpected was on its way on that hot day.     The hollow beneath the weeping willow’s canopy provided a perfect hiding place for a red fox. The tree’s whips and leaves hung like an old man’s beard, nearly touching the ground. The fox lay stretched out on his belly in the deep grass beneath the canopy, enjoying the cool, green shade.     The willow grew on a slight rise in the yard. From the base of the tree, the fox had a clear view of the run-down house and garden, which had sat abandoned for years. They became the perfect, safe home for various types of critters. A family of possums made their home beneath the house’s rotting porch and steps. The fox watched Missus Possum with her large family in tow, as she returned from her nightly food gathering.     “Two more, I see,” he chuckled. “I must rememb