

 Whistle Bait, Christopher 'Coop' Cooper.  Tex Avery would be proud. Link Wray and the Wraymen  The Collins Kids, pure rockabilly. Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs  Like Robert Williams, this guy is a hot rod freak.  Best of luck to him, we need more Americana and return to Traditional American Values!   Like I said.  Robert Williams, Coochy Cooty   Rock on, rock out!


 A Bearhunt Gone Wrong The stunningly good artist Theodore Kittlesen of Norway.

The Tawny, Scrawny Lion

Little Golden Books, 1952.  Written by Kathryn Jackson and with illustrations by the immortal Gustaf Tenggren.  And that should be an apple in the lion's mouth, the reason why will soon be very apparent. A fat little rabbit with 9 brothers and sisters teaches a lion to eat carrot stew instead of other animals. This concern for life only extends to mammals.  The oddly oriental appearing bunny knows that no stew is complete without animal proteins!  Tenggren lived in Maine and was also Swedish, I bet he thought nothing of eating smoked herrings with his morning knäckebröd and coffee. For you see, the lion had to exercise so much he was just skin and bones.  The animals he ran after, of course, died so they didn't lose weight.  Life just ain't far sometimes.    So all the animals got together and convinced the obviously slow witted rabbit to teach the lion not to eat them.  With any luck at all the lion would eat the rabbit and choke to death on him, a win/win if there ever wa

Top Dog

 Harmony SDavis

Mr. Tawny Seeks Happiness

  Captain Marvel Adventures no. 117, February 1951   Hi Guys! Not too long ago my esteemed colleague, Billy D. Bunny , posted a feature on Tawky Tawny , aka Mr. Tawny, the Talking Tiger !  Tawky Tawny was a surprise hit for Fawcett's long-running Captain Marvel Adventures and from his debut in 1947 to the last issue of the comic in 1953 , he made a number of regular appearances . One of the recurring themes in Tawky Tawny's life is his trouble with fitting in .  The guy seems to have a hard time adjusting , probably because he's the only anthro tiger in an all-human world .  He does a lot of soul-searching , which is not something you see in a comic book very often.  Even so, he keeps it entertaining !  Today's story is no different as we follow Mr. Tawny in his global search for happiness , from the Casbah to the South Seas ! Check it out! Well, it looks like Mr. Tawny learned an important lesson and he got to do a lot of cool things besides!  I don't th

Ex Parte

Anthro goes to war.  Art by Henry Ryle Hopps, known for his stained glass and movie set design.  This poster has it all! This postcard is a poem entitled "The Kaiser's Dream." It tells a story of "Kaiser Bill" having a dream that he is not admitted to heaven and kicked out of hell. On reverse: "E. Mack King Henry's Road, London N.W."; "Printed in England".   Follow me to the Kaiser's funeral.  Hans and Fritz have the fits! And of course I didn't lift the above lock, stock and barrel from The Young Manhood Of Studs Lonigan by James T. Farrell, how could you think such a thing?

Black And White And Read All Over

A man in a movie theater notices what looks like a panda sitting next to him. "Are you a panda?" asked the man, surprised. "Yes." "What are you doing at the movies?" The panda replied, "Well, I liked the book." A policeman in New York stops a man in a car with a panda next to him in the front seat. "What are you doing with that panda?"  You should take it to the zoo." The following week, the same policeman sees the same man with the panda again in the front seat, with both of them wearing sunglasses. The policeman pulls him over. "I thought you were taking that panda to the zoo!" The man replied, "I did. We had such a good time we're going to the beach this weekend."  Panda walks into a restaurant, orders a plate of fresh bamboo.  He finishes his meal, stands up, then whips out a pistol and fires randomly into the walls on his way out the door.  One of the shaken customers on the floor asked a wai