
Kids, Don't Be Like Goldilocks!

    Hi Guys! I've got something a little different for you today!  It's the old story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears , but with an inspirational twist !  And I do mean inspirational !  See, this story comes from an old tract that I found the other day.  What's a tract , you ask?  Well, it's like a little brochure that talks about God and why it's a good idea to believe !  Now I'm not gonna say anything one way or the other about that .  What each of us believes or doesn't believe is our own business !  But still, I thought this was kinda cool . Take a look :   So the best part is the cover picture of the Three Bears !  I mean, what a curious-looking family !  Mamma Bear definitely needs a shave and Papa Bear looks like a Mob enforcer !  And I think Baby Bear is actually a possum !  No disrespect to the artist ; the drawing is pretty good .  It's just that I never saw the Three Bears quite like this before!  I'll be checking out the insid

The Reckoning

Bill Bramhall. Anthro political cartooning at it's best! Well, almost at it's best. Vote Bun.

Uncle Funny Bunny And Chumpy

  All right, you have just seen five examples of some of the worst art and writing ever put into a comic strip.  This stuff is so bad many sites are claiming it's the worst strip ever written.  (not true, that honor belongs to Doonesbury).  The only thing missing from Uncle Funny Bunny is the 'flip take', as seen in the example of the amazingly bad Jerry On The Job: Jerry was the creation of Walter Hoban. Funny Bunny doesn't use flip takes, it uses The Rabbit's Stupid Expression. Shocking the monkey. Chumpy attends a school with humans.  This is as obscure a comic as they come, I can find nothing on it or on Jack Pierce.  Uncle Funny Bunny ran in Weekly Reader during the fifties as did -  Abomination.  Loki either has an invisible chair or a horrifying spine condition. I see Weekly Reader was still pushing the concept of desegregation between humans and talking animals as late as '73. I found this postcard from the fifties while trying to research Uncle Funny Bu


 Atomic Bunny, Oct 1958.  This was published by Charlton, and is a continuation of Atomic Rabbit after it's creator Al Fago left.  It folded in 1960, not surprising due to all the changes in the rabbit and the direction of the comic.  Here, Atomic Bunny has morphed into a Bugs look alike and there is nothing superhero about this, in fact it's a pretty lame gag and I hope Atomic beats the living hell out of the dipshit pink rabbit, yes I do, and then I hope he makes Pink Rabbit shove those turnips up his ass one by one while wearing that bucket of paint upside down on his foolish head.  Considering that Atomic Bunny is eating a carrot shaped turnip that is dripping with wet paint does not argue well for his intelligence, and Pinky will probably skate.  From the look on Pink's face he already has one of those turnips up his ass, and it's vibrating furiously.

Wacky Squirrel

 Squirrels always seem to get tagged with adjectives indicating mental instability. Screwy puts in an offscreen cameo here. Page missing.  The bear shoots at Wacky and misses with a full submachine gun clip at point blank range.  Wacky! Wacky Squirrel, written by Mike Richardson and drawn by Jim Bradrick.  Dark Horse Comics. We can see where this is going. If it wasn't impossible, I'd say these guys watch too many cartoons. So long, Wacky,...see you in the funny pages!