
Showing posts from February, 2020

The Sugar Bears!

Hey Guys!   It’s Andrew the Bee again!   I’m just kickin’ back and groovin’ to the sweet, sweet sounds of the Sugar Bears !   What ?   You never heard of them?   Well, let me fill you in ! The Sugar Bears were an anthro bear rock group , led by, you guessed it, Sugar Bear !   Who is Sugar Bear, you ask?   Well, back in the 1960s, when TV, cartoons, and super-sweet breakfast cereal were a part of every kid’s life , Sugar Bear rose to the top of the heap as the coolest , most smooth-talking cereal mascot there ever was!   The other mascots were all gigged-out on their own sugar-packed wares !   But not Sugar Bear – He was mellow !   He could handle all that sugar, no problem !   Guys like that are always into the scene and so it’s no surprise that Sugar Bear cut his own album !   Cut it right off the back of a cereal box , that is!   This 33 1/3 rpm single was recorded in 1971 and was one of five different songs incorporated into the packaging of Post Super S

Pond Patrol!

As a young bunny, I did a hitch with the Fairy Force, Swamp Division.  One memorable day brought me a dead gopher, and nobody knew a thing, as usual.  Christ, the sun was barely up and the brass was breathing down my neck for answers.  A good cop knows people, and I had my contacts even among the amphibs.  Normally we rabbits avoid the mud like distemper but Louie the Lip owed me one.  It turned out our stiff liked to gamble but didn't like to pay.  I'd have killed him myself if I was in the game.  I buried the evidence and Farley Fox walked.  Now I had an ear to the ground that heard everything.  Of course, the papers got hold of it and somebody had to fall.  After getting out of the stir, I hung out my shingle and went private. The politicos bitched like hell but my license was solid.  It should have been, I handed over more than a few acorns to keep it that way. If you want justice, try the law.  If you want results, you're talking to me!

Ben's Find, by Mercenary Blade!

Hi Guys! It's Andrew the Bee checking in with another short-but-sweet tale from Mercenary Blade !  We're going back to Caligula to see what happens when a young hunting guide gets together with his boss to show off his latest off-world score .  It's a case of buyer beware , but not quite in the way you might think ! ******* Red regarded the young human who was in her office area. Her ears twitched back and forth ever so slightly. He had blonde hair that was turning brown, a weathered vest and complexion. He was fellow hunting guide, Ben. “I’m telling you Red you never know what those off world merchants are peddling! I got some good deals.” A toothy grin showed on Red’s canine muzzle. “Really, now? Are you sure you got a good deal? Or did they get a good deal?” Ben grunted, “Even if I did pay more for what this is worth, I still spent less than I was prepared to. I call that a win.” Red stood from her desk, she was wearing her work attire, a khaki


Leo sees the hot air balloons coming from the cliff and has no idea what to expect. I'll bet it's old British guys in pith helmets. Drawn recently, colored today while watching a truly awful film creation called The Code Conspiracy .  On a sheer cliff, high above a misty convergence of high country waterfalls, the traveling fox has crash landed leaving small chance of escape, and should he escape, he has but little chance of return home .

Atelani Defiant

A Legend of the Before People, of Atelani, the First Female Chief Atelani’s eyes glittered with something akin to madness.   There was nothing left to her but a singleness of purpose which held black despair at bay.   The world was a dark and evil place, but with each miserable life, ending in her own, she would make it a little less evil than it was before. Once in a while, she would let them score a shallow cut.   It made her feel ferociously alive, but more importantly, it made them feel sure of themselves.   “This blood is my gift to you, false warrior!   So that you will not be completely shamed when I send your antlerless soul to plead before the gods!”   Such talk enraged them, as did the deeply insulting sight of her antler-tine trophies.    Overconfidence and rage made them careless -- and carelessness led inevitably to their defeat.   To be sure, Atelani worried about the day when she would meet a truly disciplined foe, but these guardians of stolen villagers w