Symbols and Stories: The Fabulous Illustrations of ARCR-CRic!
Fatal Doe |
The unnamed Fatal Doe is the main character in a noir mystery that has yet to be written. ARCR-CRic teased us all, however, by producing a cover illustration for April Fool's Day. The doe's enigmatic expression and the bloody wine glass speak volumes, even without the story!
Last Stand |
Last Stand is drawn from a personal fantasy story of hardship and transformation. The artist tells us that "I was very unsure where to take this painting; it stayed on my desk for a long time. At some point I decided to just try finishing it and this happened..." This scene marks a key moment in the story, but at the same time, it has broader import. As ARCR-CRic notes: "I think it is best to leave the meaning loose and free for you to interpret."
Lyra |
Lyra is a fine example of ARCR-CRic's wonderful ability to convey both the warmth and the softness of his feral anthros. Of this tribal wolf, the artist says: "She is a very important character from a story I am working [on] with a friend, which I hope to take forward this year more effectively." The landscape vignette, which sometimes appears in ARCR-CRic's illustrations, tells us a little about the story's setting even as it suggests a narrative of journeying through a vast and fantastical world.
Good stuff!