The Hybrid! Staff Is Working Hard For YOU
The beginning of another busy day at the offices of Hybrid!, the cutting edge online artist's co-op that actually cares about standards and some kind of decency, in spite of the bunny's total lack of work ethics or morality. Andrew the Bee encourages him in his J. Jonah Jameson delusion because it keeps him out of the way. In the hall an aspiring artist grasps her submissions, bundled in hope and praying for an acceptance, unaware that Billy is starting to clutch at straws and is beginning to speak lightly of artwork that is banned even in San Francisco and Tijuana.
Busy as a bee is not just an expression in this office. As Screwtape would say, Andy's job is not putting ideas into the bunny's head but keeping them out.
How it's done, a rare glimpse at the inception of comic excellence. Yes, Hybrid! is the
thinking ma...animal's go-to magazine for all your anthro artwork needs!

How doth the little busy Bee Improve each shining Hour, And gather Honey all the day From every opening Flower!
In Works of Labour or of Skill I would be busy too: For Satan finds some Mischief still For idle Hands to do.
Andy sighed as he looked through the portfolio of the talkative,
untalented ewe on the other side of his desk. The last time he posted
this poem on the mirror in the men's room he found it on the floor
having been used for an unspeakable purpose. Everyone told him what working with Billy was going to be like, but oh no,
he knew better than them, he would deal with that rabbit. Both him and
the chattering sheep jump as thunderous snoring ripsaws through the
building, and there is the sound of breaking glass.
"Hey Billy! I don't get it... Our hands are plenty busy, but we're *still* doing Satan's work!"