Alliterative Alphabet
Alliterative Bestiary, Inktober, 2019. Clever, Diverse, And Essential
Amiable Alligator Acquires Awesome Angling Ability
Bodacious Baboon bedazzles in bangin' boots.
Baboons in boots. What can I say? I don't know how my mind works...
Calculating Crows Cause Chaos, Creating Convenient Chances To Confiscate Cases.
I just love crows. Everything about them pleases me--from their clever,
black gaze, to their rolling gait to their raucous calls. The world
would be a poorer place without these wonderful creatures.
Drowsy Dormouse drops daintily down on Dodo’s divan.
Exasperated Echidna ensures endless egotistical exchanges.
Felonious Ferret finds Fancy Fox fabulously fleeceable.
Garrulous Gecko gushes gallantly, guaranteeing Goose gets grandiose.
Hippo Haberdasher never has height hardships however high his habitue’s head.
This should have read “hardly” rather than “never.” Ah well. Some cultures insist on leaving an imperfection in the work as a sign of respect. I also don’t think this is going to publish correctly in the new orientation. Growl. I’ve tried everything to get it to display. Hippo is standing on the H with hats, shirts and ties displayed behind.
UPDATE:fixed! Sand erasers work wonders. You can see the shadow in the original, but not so bad here.
Intellectual Ibis illuminates intriguing ideas, imagining interest in imbeciles.
Joking Jackal juggles jaded jerboas joyfully.
Kindly Kangaroo kisses kingly Kookaburra.
Languid Llama lounges lazily, letting lemurs labor.
Merry mole measures mead, mollifying miffed muskrats.
Nettled Numbat never neglects nurturing nature; noxious neighbors notwithstanding.
At last my Numbat makes his appearance. The Tasmanian devils next-door are not his favorite people...he himself is a bit...persnickety.
Opulent Octopus occupies opalescent oceans.
This took forever, even if it doesn’t look like it should have!!! So many dots. So, so many dots.
Pugnacious Ponies punch powerfully, pleasing peccant pike.
Querulous Quetzal quibbles quite quickly.
Rakish Rabbit relishes Radiant Robin.
Timid Tapir tastes turnips tentatively.
Unctuous Uromastyx unfurls umbrellas.
Valiant Vole ventures vivisection vaulting Volociraptor.
Valiant Vole ventures vivisection vaulting Volociraptor.
Xenodochial Xoloitzcuintli xeriscapes xanthous xerochrysums.
Yackety Yak yodels yobbishly, yielding yippety yapping yorkies.
Zaftig Zorillas zhooshing Zen zebu.

I'm not alliterate; my parents met before I was born!
DeleteI don't know my parents status when I was born, I think it bad luck to speculate about it. I'm supposititious!
DeleteOf course not, no bear is a bustard!
ReplyDeleteFirst rate, from A to Z!
ReplyDeleteToo kind!
DeleteA sad thing, a man of your education stooping to such a comment. Thus the world continues on its feckless way.
DeleteI love this! So much detail-the fox is my favorite!
ReplyDeleteWhat? Not that handsome and devil may care rabbit?