
Flamma would hate to kill such a worthy and handsome opponent.  The panda fought hard and deserves the missa.  Even if ordered to kill him, the Bloody Bunny is known for disobedience.  Not that refusal would help the bear, but the rabbit would have made his point.  Flamma is far too big a draw to kill or maim, part of the reason for his popularity.  The other reason is that he is the deadliest fighter in New Rome and, after all, the Wolf himself wants to see the bunny die in the arena.  Horribly, if at all possible.

Furry killers have been around for a very long time.


  1. Ha ha! Nobody did anthro quite like the Old Ones.

  2. Give the panda another shot -- after all, he has taken Flamma's measure now and will surely do better next time!

  3. Flamma is a psychotic and would welcome a rematch. But it's not up to him, usually. The last time he killed a pardoned fighter he also killed a referee, this cost him several beatings and a time out in a box for a few weeks.
    This rabbit is worth a lot of money, and - he knows it!


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