That Rabbit Is Never Allowed In Here Again. Ever!

So, this bear walks into a bar, and goes up to the counter.  The bartender asks him, "What'll it be, Mac"?
The bear replies, "I'll have a coke....and................a,...ummmmm......,.................................................a,............................................................. 
......... a, uh,..............................................rum".
The barkeep then says, "Hey,... why the long pause"?  And the bear replied, -
"Oh!  It's just my shirt sleeves that make 'em look that way".

I love this crowd!


  1. "I haven't seen such a long face since Grandpaw got his new lead dentures..."

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Sir! If only I owned this picture. I often give credit you know, one of my more endearing qualities!


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