Rapid T. Rabbit

Rapid Transit Rabbit.

With a friend.

Richard Concepcion, aka Rapid T. Rabbit.  1957-2017.
(I think this guy is a furry)!

Well, I never watched this although it has been running since '83.  A lot of people are going to miss this guy.  Imagine, a public access show that became so successful.  This is a tremendous achievement and really shows that determination and ability can pay off.  I wonder if the show made money?  Richard had a column in Carousel News And Trader magazine entitled Riding With The Rabbit.  Here is the show's theme song:

And - the journey is the destination.

So long, Rapid, you made a difference.



  1. Whoa! Fella has a *lot* of Care Bears. But it looks like he done good. More than I will do!

  2. Guy followed his dream, for sure. Talk about early furly! I wish I had been that focused at such a young age.


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