The Cats' Party

Hi Guys!

Here's some more feline anthro for you, courtesy of Dame Dingle, whoever that is!   The Cats' Party is a kid book that was published in 1869, so you can be sure it's full of Victorian nightmare fuel!  There's perfidy and mayhem galore, right up to the shocking twist ending!  But hey, these are still some pretty cool cat pictures.  Enjoy!








  1. Where, or how, on earth did you find this? Incredible! And the mistress is a total bitch, this just reeks of Victorian social Darwinism what with the heavy handed self righteous moral at the end about stealing. I had no idea that a fireplace bellows worked for choking on a fishbone. Why this wonderful party was ruined by that monster woman I have no idea but the writer clearly thought children should be working in the mills during the daytime.

  2. Ha ha! Yes indeed -- Those cats were having a grand old time and as the story says, Missus didn't mind her store very well. But I guess NOW she gives a poo-poo and the fun is spoiled for all. Take that, my juvenile readers!

  3. I didn't know this existed-great find!

    1. Thanks! This stuff is out there, but I don't run across it very often. Paid only five buck for it, too! =D


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