Suggestions for Lovers from the Jungle!

 Hi Guys!

If you're like me, you probably can't handle it when you want to say something mushy to the object of your affections!  So you take the easy way out and let the card do the talking for you!  If the card is funny, that's even better, because if she or he says "ha ha loser, get lost," you don't really have to own what you are saying!

People understood this way back in the early 1900s, when these postcards were printed.  Each one features a pair of anthro jungle animals and a humorous saying about love.  I guess the idea was to show that love is beastly or something.  I gotta agree with that!

Here's a couple of sharp-dressed tigers!  The lady's bone hatpin is cool and I bet she got those ostrich feathers the hard way!  His tongue probably tastes like stogie.  If I were Maud, I'd keep my distance!

I asked Wendy if this is how 'roos make out and boy did she give me the hairy eyeball!  Sheesh!


What's up with these rhinoceroses?  Which one's the guy?  Maybe they're both guys?  Or maybe they're both girls?  If you ask me, I'd say both of them have the "rino," whatever that is!      

Well, this is sorta nice.  But I bet elephants get way sick of "trunk" jokes.  It's like kangaroos and pouches.  If I'm feelin' like I want Wendy to slap me, all I gotta do is make a crack about pockets!

Hey, don't get me wrong!  I'm not into Wendy or any girl slappin' me!  I'll never understand girls and I sure as heck will never understand love!  That's just how it is, know what I mean?



  1. Rhino: Money Top notch post as per usual, you really have an expert knowledge of this sort of ephemera.

    1. Ah, cool! I thought it was some kind of slang, but I couldn't figure it out.



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