Cats Don't Dance

Cats Don't dance is a 1997 Warner Brothers film that is sadly underrated. Yes it is a musical but for this film set in the late 1930's  it seems to work. Danny is a young cat from the country that sets off for Hollywood with big dreams. When he arrives there he finds out that all that glitters is not gold!

He meets a lovely lady cat named Sawyer who works as a secretary for a talent agent. She lets Danny know quickly that animals only play bit parts in movies and do not try to outshine their human stars. Danny finds this out the hard way when he tries to steal the spotlight from Darla Dimple. By the way, Darla (a evil version of child star Shirley Temple) is one of the funniest villains in the movies. A major spoiled brat who has a temper tantrum when she doesn't get what she wants! Here is her parody of "The Good Ship Lollipop"

I don't want to give away too much if you haven't  seen the movie. The characters are done in a classic style that reminds one of the cartoons of the 1930's and 40's. There are even some cameos by a few of the great stars of the time. The story does hint at racism as the animal characters are trying to get better roles in the movies,but the film is such fun it's not too heavy-handed. Love this song by Sawyer-does Natalie Cole sound a little like Billie Holliday here?

If you have time,give this movie a try-it is well worth the watch!


  1. The entire genre of this movie was golden-age dance 1930-60; loud exuberant and oh-so-funny. Darla Dimples butler was the terrifying straight man for the zany villainess. What a fun movie!!

    1. It's one of my favorites-a sadly underrated movie!

  2. Never heard of it, but it looks really good!


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