Rogue's Gallery


Rogue's Gallery

At long last, I am pleased to say that I have completed my new piece, Rogue's Gallery:

Here we see some of the world's legendary tricksters getting together for...what?  Perhaps we should be a little alarmed... many can you name?  Do you recognize all of our friends here?  

From left to right we have Puss in Boots--he was made famous in French fairytales, but he actually started out as an Italian puss...Next we have Raven from Native American myth.  He is a powerful agent for change--not entirely friendly, but always interesting.  The giant in the back is larger than life and from Japan.  His name is Tanuki and he is Japanese..  In his current form, he is a raccoon-dog, however, he has eight guises he can take and he likes to do so to make others feel foolish.  He is also strategically placed because, traditionally, he has enormous....balls.  He also likes to bring sake to parties.    Hanging over the table is our friend Anansi, from West Africa.  He is second or third cousin to Br'er Rabbit who makes his home in the U.S. South.  Next to Anansi, we have Monkey King from China--he is more powerful than anyone is comfortable.  He is a thorn in the side of the Jade Emperor...and a lot of humans too.  Next we have Reynard the Fox.  He was born in the Middle Ages and has much in common with many tricksters.  Lastly, Br'er Rabbit, whom I have already mentioned.

This piece took forever to finish.  While it doesn't look it, it is quite large for me--it is almost 30 inches wide and 22 inches high.  Here are a couple of progress shots.

As always, all of my pieces begin with a pencil sketch.  Then, I do all the line work with Micron pens.  I typically do shade everything at this point to add some depth, and yes, I draw lots and lots of little, tiny lines with .005 pens to make the hairs.  Yes, it takes forever.  I still think it is worth it....mostly.  Here's the linework:

At this point, it is time for color.  This is always an odd moment for me...particularly if I like the line work.  I often do.  I always worry that I will bugger up a piece when I get ready for color.  I usually start with the background:

Sorry for the shadows in the photo...I work at night mostly, and this piece had to go on the dining room table because it is so large.  You are seeing the shadow from the light fixture.

I had fun with this one.  It took a painfully long time though--but in general, I am pleased with it.  


  1. Fantastic to have all these famous tricksters together!

  2. What a lovely cadre of cads. Skillful details and bright colors! What ever list they're discussing, I don't want to be on it.

  3. Looks really good. I'm impressed by the size of the work as well as the multiple figures. The bigger it is, the harder it is to manage, in my experience. And it turned out great, too!

    Cool to get some insights into your process -- That's the kind of thing we don't usually get to see on DA.

  4. Good to see Br'er Rabbit and Puss in Boots and Renard all in one picture, they are my faves and have been since I was that tall!


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