Charon's Holiday

Hi.  I'm Billy.  I'll be your psychopomp today.  What's that?  No, he has the day off.  And that better be a silver dollar under your rotting tongue, Sparky, I don't work for free.  Oh, you want himself?  Time stops down here, enjoy the wait.  Swim if you want to, this ain't the Styx but the Gulf.  You don't want to so much as dip a toe in this, believe you me.  The boss keeps sharks as pets but he don't feed 'em.
Because I screwed up when I was alive, that's why!  I've seen your record, pal, if I were you I wouldn't be in such a hurry.
Well, suit yourself.  I gotta bus accident to deal with.


  1. Ha ha! Nice -- Billy's found his true calling!

  2. In Hades, there are passengers and there are conductors. May as well get to call the shots, so the rabbit thought as he pushed the other applicants out of his way.


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