Harry B. Neilson

 Harry B. Neilson  (not to be confused with singer Harry Nilsson) was an English illustrator who lived from 1861-1941. I have just discovered his wonderful art! He illustrated many children's books with delightful pictures of anthro animals but had a special talent for drawing foxes.

A family gathering~

A Sunday car ride~

Love the "steeds" that pull these buggies~

A promenade of foxes~

As you can see,he was a rare talent.


  1. Looking at the first image, from the red Pinks coats and the jodphurs, I'd say this group is looking forward to a day of foxhunting.

    The second illustration reminds us that there is a class of light carriages called dogcarts.

    The third picture is just irresistibly cute. Sending a link to The Kitsune.

    1. Yes it's time the foxes turn the tables-maybe they're hunting humans?

  2. This guy is good, kudos to you, Foxy, for finding him. I kinda wonder about the foxhunting thing, the last picture looks like the final scene in The List Of Adrian Messenger, only without Burt Lancaster in drag.

    1. Thanks-I never knew about him until recently. He was a great talent!

  3. Harry Nielsen is a talented artist with a sharp wit. All four of these scenes could pass for various stages of the hunt, even the dog cart looks like it could be a sag-wagon for the un-horsed rider on the tailgate. Dogs are the servants in each scene of this Vulpine fantasy.

  4. Very cool! I didn't know this guy -- Your selection of images reminds me of the Mainzer Cats, very detailed and very charming at the same time. Nice post!


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