Three X Bunny Pink Nose


All's well that ends well.

Oh, I wish I was an Aussie Kangaroo
Oh, I wish I was an Aussie Kangaroo
I'd be hippy I'd be hoppy
Inside my momma's pockie
Oh, I wish I was an Aussie Kangaroo!

To the tune of 'When You're Happy And You Know It'.

A handsome shoe often pinches the feet.

I can find nothing about Ms. Arnett, this will have to do in way of credit.  Ludwig and Regina seem to have been the in-house illustrators for the Beckley-Cardy Company, a school supplies firm founded in 1907 and still in existence. That would explain the abysmal quality of these stories, they were written for captive foreign born children waiting to take their turn carrying beef halves day in day out until tuberculosis or company goons killed them.  The only bar to success for budding capitalists in the industrial revolution was a conscience.

Pink nosed bunnies are just the best!


  1. Curious -- An anthro world where everybody has brain damage! Cute illustrations. Wendy says that Mrs. Kangaroo reminds her of her own mother, except that she was more concerned with posture than with jumping.

  2. The illustrations are competent, the writing is pretty bad. Beatrix Potter is Milton compared to Ms. Arnett!


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