A Few Early Elsies


I tell you what, I'd sure look twice!


Hi Guys,

I already did a post on Elsie the Cow and the 1939 New York World's Fair, but since then I've found a few more of these early promotional postcards illustrated by, well, Walter Early!  Early was the main guy behind this key character in anthro advertising.  And while there's no denying that his stuff can be a little weird at times, it's certainly memorable!  And that, after all, is the point of advertising!

That sounds... exotic

So, what's the dirtiest show at the Fair? 

I had to look up this expression -- apparently it means to do a job with zero care and effort...

Well, that's all I've got for now guys!  Stay tuned for more fun with Elsie the Cow in future installments!



  1. Milked on a Merry Go Round? I thought we agreed on No Porn!

  2. And 80-odd years later, dairies haven't changed that much.

    Also, I'd like to complain to the immoderators about the naked cow and those nude, underage calves!

    1. Why, that's *art* sir! But rest assured, your complaint will be duly attended to in the order received!

    2. Another complaint, Andy. (sigh) Futile, utterly futile, and griping about the editors. Oh, well, the goats are always hungry.


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