Giddy Goose



Hi Guys!

Today I've got something for you from the pages of Buster Bear Comics number 9 for April 1955!  That's about one month after the little Comics Code Authority Seal of Approval first started appearing on the covers of most American comic books.  Most, that is, except those that were clearly intended for little kids!    

Buster Bear and his friends fell into the "little kids" category, so no seal of approval needed here.  Even so, you've got some serious name-calling and some pretty bad stereotypesPerfect for shaping young minds!  Take a look at the following misadventures of Buster's associate, Giddy Goose, and you'll see what I mean:  



All's well that ends well I guess.  But if you ask me, Giddy needs to get himself a quality girlfriend.  That Chickie is a real two-timer, always on the lookout for a better prospect!  Not the most flattering picture of the fairer sex, especially in a story for little kids!  I'm not too crazy about Giddy's obvious debt to Donald Duck and his nephews either.  All things considered, though, the writing and the art here are still pretty decent.  I'd be willing to give Giddy another chance.  How about you?

That's all for now, guys!  See you next time!

Nice bowtie, kid.



  1. I really enjoy these comics from the 40's-50's era. And you're right, Giddy deserves a better girlfriend!

    1. That's great to hear -- I'm glad you like them! And good to have your corroboration on Ms. Chickie -- She's bad news!


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