Traditional Anthro/Furry Art Versus Digital

 As  an "old school" traditional artist, I am trying to teach myself how to paint digitally. Believe me, it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks! There are pros and cons to both. I think I will always prefer traditional because I like to mix paints and use real paper. On the other hand, a laptop or drawing tablet is handy to take anywhere. As an artist/art fan,which type of medium do you use/like the best?

A traditional version of Peggy The Pin-Up Girl

And the digital colored version


  1. Traditional or digital, these two are great! :-) Traditional will always be my go-to, but there are obviously a lot of great reasons to master digital as well!

    1. Thanks! I think I will always like traditional the best-but it doesn't hurt to learn new things!

  2. I can see making an argument for both of these, I prefer traditional but the computer version is crisp. It really doesn't matter how the picture gets there, but how it looks. These are both excellent.


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