
Pelicans love handouts.  Bunnies love attention.
Well, Billy loves attention, something that is probably all too obvious.
Billy has a very high opinion of himself.  The more bunny to watch, the happier people will be.
Altruistic, that's Billy.



  1. Cool! Do the pelicans really chase after the handouts like that? I've seen gulls do it, but I think it would be more impressive with a pelican...

  2. Pelicans are the roughnecks of the coast. They will walk up to you and demand food and more food. Big bastards, I am amazed that they can fly, but they are the best.

    1. Ha ha! It probably takes a lot of food to keep them aloft!

    2. They can get a very large fish in that pouch. Sometimes they break their necks diving into the water, I am told.

    3. Jeeze. They have the gift of flight and that's what they do with it...

  3. Nice drawing! And yes pelicans do like handouts!


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