Wisdom in Fable by Palmer Cox -- Anthro Artist!

Wisdom in Fable , Advertising story for Pond's Extract with illustrations by Palmer Cox, c. 1885. This version c. 1905 Hi Guys! Maybe you've heard of Palmer Cox and maybe you haven't , but about 130 years ago , his " Brownies " were a household name on a par with Mickey Mouse and Ronald McDonald ! The Brownies were these little elf-guys who got into all sorts of adventures and mischief . Cox published the first of his Brownie stories in magazines as early as 1879 . The first Brownie book followed in 1887 . Kids loved this stuff and by the turn of the twentieth century , the Brownies were everywhere ! In fact, they were one of the first popular characters that were widely used in advertising , whether licensed or not . Kodak's famous Brownie camera comes to mind, but Cox's fun-loving imps also touted dozens of other products ranging from cigars to soap , boots , and sheet music ! Palmer Cox surrounded by stogie...