Dizzie Rascal

Our fellow Hybrid member, Chaosfive-55, lost his beloved cat Dizzie Rascal last week.  I have been following his posts on her and feel I knew her because of his hundreds of photos of this charming feline.



The French term is 'pas de deux'.


Dizzie is a Mystery Cat: she’s called the Hidden Paw-  
For she’s the master criminal who can defy the Law.
She’s the bafflement of Scotland Yard, the Flying Squad’s despair: 
For when they reach the scene of crime—Dizzie is not there!

 You - Shall - Not - Pass!





 The last picture.

With St. Francis of the Catnip Patch

"The saint stands over the resting place...the phrase "Let It Grow" was an artistic motif of my late brother, Kirk, who incorporated it in several of his paintings".
 Chaosfive-55's avatar
I decree Dizzie anthropomorphic, she is welcome on this site.



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