3D Depictions

  Dancing Hares of Ballantrae Park, Dublin, Ohio.  Sophie Ryder.  These are 24 feet tall.

The sculpture sits in front of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics at the Russian Academy of Sciences and was completed in 2013. Called the Monument to the Laboratory Mouse, it was designed to honor the 55th anniversary of the founding of the institute. Forged from bronze, it took a year to complete. The mouse wears spectacles on the bridge of its nose, lost in concentration about the work that it's doing.  Sculptor Alexey Agrikolyansky.

 Emil the Rabbit.  BronzArt.

 Horus.  New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty.  c. 1360 BCE.

Table of Love, NYC.  Gillie and Marc.

Kangaroo Boy, Gillie and Marc.

Pirate Monkey, c. 1890.


Garuda, Tibet.  Late 1900s.

Crawling Lady Hare, Yorkshire Sculpture Park.  Sophie Ryder.

Terracotta Bust of a Goat, France.

Thumper Rabbit, Hong Kong Disneyland.

Reclining Giraffe, Barcelona.  Josep Granyer.

Simba, Timon, and Pumbaa.  Disneyland.

Affectionate Bunnies garden statue.  

 Anthro Elevator, Alessandro Gallo.

Alessandro Gallo.  'Gallo' means rooster in Spanish.


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