The Lady Marian

 I have always admired the character of Maid Marian ever since I saw Robin Hood in the original 1973 release (yes I'm old!) Some of Disney's "9 Old Men" were still working at this time-I'm not sure who did the animation but it was outstanding. I think she was and still is one of the most graceful characters in the Disney movies. Her voice by Monica Evans is perfect. Here is my fan art of her~

And the art in progress-her singing voice was by Nancy Adams~


  1. Looks wonderful! Always good to see your work here -- The comment thing is not working here again; I can't leave any kind of message unless I am logged out. And I can't read anything whether logged in or out. Blogger seems to be having some real problems of late.

    1. Thanks! I can still see your comments even though it says anonymous-so it's half-way working!

    2. Ah, OK -- now I can read the comments, but I still have to be logged out. As you say, half a loaf is better than none!


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