I Thought I Was Being Original
A while back I got tired of the name Billy Scribbles, which I used to
add some personality to the appellation Mister Scribbles. I took the
name Mister Scribbles because it was the first vaguely pencil sketch
name Blogger would let me have. Now I find out the the name I
prefer using, Billy D Bunny, inspired by the impotent general in Dr.
Strangelove, has been used in one form or the other for quite some time.
Billy Bunny, 1954.
1921. What the fuck is going on here? That's a mouse. I think we're seeing a criminal conspiracy!
June, 1954. Thus Ajax Farrell comics celebrates the fall of Dien Bien Phu. This would be General Navarre in action.
Oh, and Farrell Comics was the first to publish Steve Ditko.
Oh, and Farrell Comics was the first to publish Steve Ditko.
This incredibly angst ridden cover is from 1919. I think this Billy is about to die, and horribly at that.
A Billy Bunny from the '50s. David Cory apparently rode this until it crashed. Funny that Disney did not grab Billy.
Billy Bunny from the Animal Snap card game, 1940's-60's. Boy am I glad I missed this, Mille Bornes was enough.
I have been a lifelong Francophile ever since. This and "The Wages of Fear" marked me as different à partir de ce jour!
1920, the mushroom merit badge.

Yes, with a 'maybe', or no with a 'but'.
I can't believe I thought that Billy was an original name for a bunny, really I can't.
The horror.
Billy Bunny, Muppet.
My point is made. No one owns Billy Bunny as a name, but I will make
mine the best known. There are a lot more examples out there.
Au revoir, mes enfants.
Oh, hell. I forgot the bourbon.
Looks like Billy is a popular name for bunnies!