The 'It Equine' Sierra!

Hi Guys!

Imagine My Little Pony meeting up with Barbie for some fashion advice and you've got a pretty good idea of what I have for you today!  This is Sierra, one of the four Struts horses, who were introduced by Playmates Toys in 2008.  

Everything you might want to know about Sierra, or "Sia" as her friends call her, is right here on the back of the package

Naturally, I've got some questions.  How does a horse get into a kayak?  How do horses eat pizza?  I'm all about suspension of disbelief, but some things I just can't let go!  Oh well, it's just a toy, right?  And you sure don't want to put limits on a kid's imagination!

Wait, how does a horse apply lipstick, rouge, and eye shadow?  Never mind, let's move on!

Here's some of Sierra's friendsYou can tell by their names where they come from.  Hey, if you have hooves, why do you need shoes?  How do you put those things on, anyway?  How can you eat pizza if you have shoes on your "hands?"

Jeeze.  I really need to stop now.  OK guys --I'm gonna sign off and let you enjoy your toys in peace!

See you next time!  



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