
Showing posts from February, 2025

A Land Dispute

While carnivores eat game and rabbits don't, that does not mean the Rabbit Nation wants these savages running around unchecked.  Rabbits regard the Hunting Peoples as uncouth barbarians, while the hunters think the vegetarian bunnies just that bit soft.  According to tradition both sides have sworn to abide by the terms and award the land rights to the victor of this match, and many oaths have been attested to the gods of both tribes.  I suspect that this champion wolf has a knife tucked into his tail somewhere, and I know the rabbit does.  I wish I could have sold tickets to this! This was a request from a person that would not be satisfied with what I gave him, that was the last time I drew something for someone I don't know.  People that ask for free art are all fucked up.  

Legosi and Grandpa

 Some Beastars fan art of Legosi and his Grandpa Gosha. Yes,his Grandpa was married to a wolf~he's Legosi's biological grandfather even though he's a komodo dragon! It's nice to see animals usually shown as evil  the heroes of this manga. From sketch~ To finished painting~ To video with hopefully the right song to go along with the mood~

Miss Illinois

 The next gal in my states series-I chose to draw her as a art deco flapper girl in Chicago. From sketch~ To finished painting~ To video featuring the song that celebrates Chicago~

El - Oh - El -A!

 Lola My Own Serenade to the Weirder Elements of Furry Fandom (No prize for guessing the tune) I went to a Con, there was no one I knew... Then a five foot rabbit plush loomed into view, It was Lola... L-o-l-a, Lola... A guy held her tight, it looked like she would squeak... He had bags 'neath his eyes, hadn't bathed in a week With his Lola... L-o-l-a, Lola... Lo-lo-lo Lola... So I shook Lola's paw, and asked 'How do you do?'" I was flat on my backside, next thing that I knew... The guy gave a shriek, like he'd had a great scare, He said, "'Back off freak, and don't mess with my hare!" "'My dear Lola..." Lola, L-o-l-a, Lola... Lo-lo-lo Lola... Well, the crowd was big, there was always a crush, But that weird pig just kept lugging the plush, And I wondered what had brought that guy that fate. He had a stuffed rabbit, not that much of a date... And the end, when it came was a horrible doom... When the TV Cameras barged into his...

An Unexpected Catch

Whatever I had hooked was big, I thought.  I pulled back not too hard on the line, I was using a light rig as I didn't expect to catch anything large, heck, I didn't expect to catch anything.  So when my rod bent and didn't move, of course I thought I had snagged one of the wharf pilings.  I slowly pulled on it so that I didn't break the line, and to my surprise I found I could reel in the line some.  A fish that heavy should be fighting, lord knows what I had caught.  I dropped the rod and started pulling the line slowly, and soon it was smoothly coming my way.  Then I saw what I had hooked and was as sick as I have ever been.    The body of a fully clothed woman was bobbing in the shallow waves,  my hook had caught in her dress.  I know nothing of pathology, but she  had been in the water for some time.  The crabs had been at her eyes and  I looked no more but called the cops, thank goodness I had phone ...

Let Me Call You Sweetheart

In time for Valentines's Day, here's   a Edwardian era mouse couple-from sketch~ To finished painting~ To video with the song that inspired it~

A Stubborn Bunny

There are tigers in Africa, of course, Andrew the Bee has proven that.  He and a certain truculent rabbit are engaged in exploring the Lake Regions, and if Billy has a history with some long memoried felines that is no reason to delay the trip.   Dammit, Billy, we have places to go and things to do!

Recruitment Drive

Kicking ass for the working class!   Labor produces all wealth. One union, one label, one enemy.  

Ambush At Forlorn Hope

The soldiers he used to serve with were much tougher and stronger than he was.  Enhancement only works on natural aptitudes, and strength was not deemed important for his assignment.  His attribute was speed.  Billy always wanted to be strong and tall like the others, he worked hard trying to impress them.  Most of them were great, strapping cats and wolves, and there was a big panda who was quiet and professional.   Tonight they were lying flat under the stars, and most were dead.  Their Command Timberwolf looked very fierce as he glared in the direction of the attack, but his body was missing, not that the rabbit or anyone else was looking. The hidden Grasscutter© caught the platoon as they were starting to sprint for the attack.  Private Bunny was out front as point due to his tremendous speed and small stature.  There was no sound or light, just the bursts of protoplasm transformed at light speed into steam. Apparently someone ha...


 Why didn't the Trojans burn that horse?  Because those whom the Gods would destroy, they first make mad.


Out of the night that covers me,       Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be       For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance       I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance       My head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears       Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years       Finds and shall find me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate,       How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate,       I am the captain of my soul. William Ernest Henley, Invictus .  1920.