
Gene Catlow

This is Gene Catlow, by Albert Temple.  I ran across this when I first started the furry art thing but lost sight of it, a real shame.  As I understand it Albert was one of the original furrys, along with such luminaries as Ken Fletcher, Major Matt, Jerry Collins, the entire Spontoon Island gang, Reed Waller, Kate Worley and many others.  Mr. Temple died a few months ago. This guy was really good. His co-creator and significant other was Tawana Gilroy, Cats Whisker. Because I cannot find a picture of Albert and Tawana together, this will have to do.  I guess I am glad I did not know Mr. Temple, the death of friends always affects me greatly.  He seems to have been something else, and the outpouring of grief on Fur Affinity was genuine and across the board.  Catlow ran for 16 years, not a bad showing at all. The rabbi...

The Crooner

  Radio was a popular form of entertainment in the 1930's. The crooners were usually soft voiced male singers who "crooned" their tunes to the ladies. This young lady is spell bound by the singer. Sophisticated Radio Ladies

New Work by LANGUEO!

Hi Guys! I'm really happy to bring you some more fantastic artwork by Langueo !  And instead of me going on and on , I'm just going to turn it over to her -- Read, look, and enjoy !  ******* Greetings lords and ladies ! After being wandering among the masked crowds and university work, the self-proclaimed she-knight Langueo is finally able to reach her computer to write some lines and show some art ! Let’s start with some headshots, shall we ? :D   Imperator Rex Graecorum by Langueo (c) This one was initially planned as a banner, but was never concretely used. It features some portraits mixing ancient Greek and medieval vibes. From left to right you have a Greek soldier, a traveller wearing a petasos -sun hat with broad brim- and another soldier with fantasy-esque vibes - long live the feathers !   Scolaris Sedere by Langueo (c)   Now the traveller horse from the previous pic decided to get on the spotlight and is getting his own piece, this time fully posing ...

Fondly Furry

He doesn't know which one of us I am these days. Alfred Bester Billy got in late last night.  Paul had locked me out again, so I went in through the window.  He was so drunk he woke me up, and Paul ran to the window and grabbed me by my ears.  I hauled that goddamn rabbit into the house, and he started yelling at me as he pulled me over the sill.  "Do you know what time it is?  Where's my wallet"?   I get so tired of hearing all that.  When I got this rabbit I was sure that my aunt had him because I was tame and sweet tempered, and now all he does is drink like a fish and go out and have fun with his friends.  I just get bored staying in the house all day, and he is not allowed to wear his jewelry and favorite clothing out in public, because I might have too much fun.  Last week I brought home some of my buddies, and Billy locked me out of the house while they had a wonderful time.  When Paul tried to break down a door, ...

Red's Tales: Ramaga's Wrath PT2

 PT2! We get to see Red in her teenage years, long before she became the Red of Caligula we know so well now. After the flashback we revisit her in the present where she crosses blades with a cocky duelist!

We Blew It

“Where are you?” “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.”   And he said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?” (Interlude, bad scene here)   So the Lord God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this, Cursed are you above all livestock      and all wild animals! You will crawl on your belly      and you will eat dust      all the days of your life.   And, as for you, bunghole-   By the sweat of your brow      you will eat your food until you return to the ground,      since from it you were taken; for dust you are      and to dust you will return.”*     Serpents used to walk, you know. on Instagram *The serpent will eat the dust from which you were taken and to which you will return.  You are like so screwed.

Happy Birthday, Doctor Pangloss

    He doesn't know why that anthropomorphic deer is kissing him.  Perhaps it is his birthday?  Regardless, everything is for the best in this best of all possible worlds!