
Jumping to Conclusions

      “Man, that swami freak lied to me !   He said this magic book would summon brain-eating zombies , not this stupid thing!   What a waste of five bucks! ”   “Now don’t jump to conclusions, Andrew.   Perhaps it’s just a matter of the pages being stuck together or something?”    *******


Black magic bunny.  Why won't the local Wiccans let Billy join them? His Disgrace and Greatest of Calamities Satan, Lord High Priest of Discord and Enemy of All Free Will, when asked about Billy's rejection, said, "No fucking way.  I got standards too, you know, and that goddamn rabbit is too weird for any coven".  He then sprayed the faces of worshipers with ice cold semen as they recited the Lord's Prayer backwards.  "That rodent should try the Unitarians", said the blood soaked Horned God while baring his buttocks to a line of bankers and politicians advancing toward him on their knees.    It just ain't fair. Well, phooey.  Nothing works.

Anthro Ads, Again

White Cat Cigars. Calvert's whiskey. Keep out.    Lewando's Dyer and Laundry, Boston. Something to do with saving money. Sandpaper. Soap. Thom's Castile Soap.  Louis Wain. Fictional.  Racey Helps. Soap. Lewando's again.  And if that cat ain't anthropomorphic then someone can really train animals. Castor oil substitute.  I think babys already know how to poop.  A Fretful Mother product! Pork. Old bronze rabbit playing an accordion.   Not an ad, but too good to pass up. Shoe polish. Tufts Arctic Soda. Chocolate. Map. Comic.  Peach Momoko. Alcohol, from Australia.  I'm shocked.  Shocked! Texas football. Beer. Petri Wine, out of California. C'est moi! Australian book, 9 pence.  1952    Automobile. Complete bullshit. Well, enough for today.  I realize that this site is top heavy with anthro advertising but I cannot always find the sort of posts I want to put up.  We are the best...


Well, well.  I was preparing a micro essay on Omaha the Cat Dancer, thinking I would be impressing all you kids out there, and look what I find. I could not even remember the name of the comic, just that it was a famous early furry work that was highly collectible and thought of.  I saw my first Omaha in Half Price Books in Austin in the expensive old comics case.  I decided not to buy it as I knew nothing of the furry thing then.  Then the net linked to Vootie , founded in 1976 by Reed Waller and Ken Fletcher. There is a lot out there about how it came about.  Credited with kicking off the furry thing, sorta.  I mean, the Wind in the Willows is furry, but there must be a line drawn somewhere.  Both these two guys are great artists.   How completely awesome.  I was graduating High School in 76 and had also graduated the next year to Heavy Metal and not comics.  I got sick of the superhero thing and bought my last Marve...

Ha Ha Ha!

Meet Mouse and Chipmunk, two young rodents who want the same thing-a big, beautiful nut! But who deserves it more? After all, Chipmunk and the Nut read together and lie in the grass and stare at the clouds. Chipmunk wants that nut! And Mouse and the Nut play tic-tac-toe and have a dance party together. Mouse also wants that nut! But then Squirrel comes along and claims the Nut for his own. What's a rodent to do? A real book. Another genuine book.  Why would anyone give this to a kid? This is for real.   Another for real book.     Ronald and Mommy Rabbit get help from Adderall Aardvark, Kollege Koach Kitty, and Admission Officer Owl, all of whom help put a stop to all the sleeping and playing that kid rabbits want to do in favor of a better activity: admission to the Ivy League.  A parody of this- Because someone's childhood memories start today.