An Unexpected Catch

Whatever I had hooked was big, I thought. I pulled back not too hard on the line, I was using a light rig as I didn't expect to catch anything large, heck, I didn't expect to catch anything. So when my rod bent and didn't move, of course I thought I had snagged one of the wharf pilings. I slowly pulled on it so that I didn't break the line, and to my surprise I found I could reel in the line some. A fish that heavy should be fighting, lord knows what I had caught. I dropped the rod and started pulling the line slowly, and soon it was smoothly coming my way. Then I saw what I had hooked and was as sick as I have ever been. The body of a fully clothed woman was bobbing in the shallow waves, my hook had caught in her dress. I know nothing of pathology, but she had been in the water for some time. The crabs had been at her eyes and I looked no more but called the cops, thank goodness I had phone ...