
That Rabbit Is Never Allowed In Here Again. Ever!

So, this bear walks into a bar, and goes up to the counter.  The bartender asks him, "What'll it be, Mac"? The bear replies, "I'll have a coke....and................a,...ummmmm......,.................................................a,.............................................................  ......... a, uh,..............................................rum". The barkeep then says, "Hey,... why the long pause"?  And the bear replied, - "Oh!  It's just my shirt sleeves that make 'em look that way". I love this crowd!


Hi Guys! Let me introduce you to Langueo!   She’s an anthro artist operating out of France!   That country is well known for history and art , and in Langueo’s work, you get a king-sized helping of both !   Her subjects are not only historical in feeling, but his style is, too!   It’s easy to see that Langueo has looked at a lot of things from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance .   Even the paper she uses is based on antique parchment !   As for the art in her work, that’s obvious !   There aren’t many people doing traditional media with as much skill and detail as Langueo.   Every time I think about throwing in the towel because all I see is digital stuff , I just look at Langueo’s drawings and I feel a lot better !     Check her out !  The commentary below comes directly from the artist ! Portraits - Russian Costumery , by Langueo “A different format this time, those are part of a mini-series to practice both traditional costumery and animalistic p


This is off the album cover, Rapture, by Grace and Wilbur Thrush, 1971.  So, furry has been around since at least the dawn of the modern age, or 'prehistory' as it is known by the majority of the members of any anthropomorphic art site today.  This album cover is the most reviled I can find on the web, and for good reasons.  However - though it can be said that these fursuiters shouldn't go out in public dressed this way no one can say that they didn't.   I admire courage and determination, yes I do. They are posing in front of racks hung with sleigh bell collars for horses.  SnowCon '71 musta really been something to see.  And hear. Wilbur indeed!

Choosing Sides

High grade napkin art from - on Instagram My brother's art is living proof that I am not judgemental one little bit. 


The third painting in my dance series,the tango! This was considered a daring dance when it was first created-and some still think so today- And now the video-

Le Roman De Renard

Completed in 1930, sound problems kept this out of theaters until 1937.  The money to finish it was put up the German National Socialists.  The movie was animated by the great pioneer film makers Ladislaw and Irene Starevitch.  Although dated, the photography is mind blowing for the time.  Filming began in 1929, not the best year for starting a big project.  Here is the full movie - Renard Condemned Cat street musician Troubadour cat.  This song is very lovely and poignant. Jaime Plama singing.  Vincent Scotto wrote the music. Reynard, Bevo building, St. Louis.  He needs a guitar, not a cup of near beer. From the abandoned "Chanticleer", Reynard and hen.  Walt Disney Productions. Marc Davis, artwork.  Walt decided that Reynard was not moral enough to star in a film.  So did Josef Goebbels. 'Originally, studio writer Ken Anderson wa

A Consummation Devoutly To Be Wished

On July 19th 1799, a French soldier discovers a black basalt slab inscribed with ancient writing near the town of Rosetta, about 35 miles east of Alexandria.  The stone will change history. on Instagram