
What's In This Box? Wicked Pandora Wondered

 I am coming for you, Vladimir Vladimirovich" - Behemoth Behemoth is a giant evil cat in the novel The Master And The Margarita by Mikhael Bulgakov.  I don't know who the Ukrainian is that painted this outstanding picture, or if the name is of the cat or of the artist.  Probably the cat, I would think. The name in Russian and Ukrainian, Бегемот, means both hippopotamus and Behemoth, the biblical monster. “Is that vodka?" Margarita asked weakly. The cat jumped up in his seat with indignation. "I beg pardon, my queen," he rasped, "Would I ever allow myself to offer vodka to a lady? This is pure alcohol!” ― Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master And Margarita.… An outstanding illustration from Ostrolist over on FurAffinity.  


 Continuing the decades series we reach the 1980's! "Big hair" was all the rage for hair styles as this tigress shows us! From sketch~ To finished painting~ To video!  

Country Music Philosophy

    Bob Wills is not a guide post for life.

AM Antics

I bought that Murano clown decanter back around 1993 for 25 dollars.  I had it on a shelf with some other stuff I delight in, way in the back.  About 2 in the morning I heard the crash.  One of my little darlings had gotten in the shelf and pushed the decanter unto the floor.  Cats are a delight and a reward no one should go without.


 Here is Jessica, a lioness from the 1970's! She's the eleventh girl in my decades series. From sketch~ To finished painting-with Farrah Fawcett hair! To video~ Long live disco!

The 'It Equine' Sierra!

Hi Guys ! Imagine My Little Pony meeting up with Barbie for some fashion advice and you've got a pretty good idea of what I have for you today !  This is Sierra , one of the four Struts horses, who were introduced by Playmates Toys in 2008 .   Everything you might want to know about Sierra, or " Sia " as her friends call her, is right here on the back of the package .  Naturally, I've got some questions .  How does a horse get into a kayak ?  How do horses eat pizza ?  I'm all about suspension of disbelief , but some things I just can't let go !  Oh well, it's just a toy , right?  And you sure don't want to put limits on a kid's imagination ! Wait , how does a horse apply lipstick , rouge , and eye shadow ?  Never mind, let's move on ! Here's some of Sierra's friends .  You can tell by their names where they come from .  Hey, if you have hooves , why do you need shoes ?  How do you put those things on , anyway?  How can you ea

Amber's Fortune

  Another outing with Amber, my ace reporter Meerkat journalist. This time busting a psychic  The sign on the shop read: ‘ Mystical Madame Mandy: Psychic Readings by Appointment ’. A large neon eye was glowing above with huge wooden hands shimmying to and fro alongside. Amber - ace meerkat reporter - snapped a photo of the storefront in a little strip mall in the north side of town. She had just photographed an elderly mink walking out of the subject’s shop. Amber vaguely recognized her as an heir to a steel works fortune. The storefront was part of a strip mall close to the other shopping centers and next to a grocer, of all things. It was surprising that a successful con artist would choose such a place, but faux modesty probably went a long way in swindling people. “She told me misfortune was following me,” The old hare woman had said when Amber interviewed her. “A-and she could help cleanse the negative energies in my life.” “You believed her?” “Yes: It made so much sense. My car h