Anthros in everyday – Part I – Egyptian or Not?!

The Anthropotheism has swept through the millennia, leaving a deep trace behind. One of the milestones was perhaps Egypt if we say this. Perhaps right after the pyramids and hieroglyphics, the thousand kinds of goddesses and gods with animal head come to mind regarding the age of the pharaohs.
Although it should be mentioned that, many goddess and gods were represented only in human form.
Usually the physical form they taken on was a combination of human and animal. They were assoiciated one or more animal species. The animal form could express they mood, for example when a goddess was angry, she might be portrayed as a dangerous lioness, but when she was gentle, then a cat.
No wonder they also inspiring the world today. Not is it?
After the introduction, come a couple of amazing sculptures.
Kristine and Colin Poole's works at first sight very similar to the Ancient egyptian goddesses and gods. They caught the rounded and soft shapes that are one of the expressions of femininity, in a truly dazzling way. In simply, wonderful. With mens, the muscles are not overflowing either, reflecting the strength and believable figure.
Their sculptures are both tastes and beautiful, it is worth mentioning that the physical endowments refer to real beauty, not the exaggerated dimensions.
Fauna - A beautiful body and horns
Spirit Deer - A graceful phenomenon
Z's Tease - A shiny giraffe
Lion Man - A strong one
Pretty Little Pussy - Woman with cat-like body
Hot Diggety Dog - A muscular canine
Tapir Girl - Tasty and pretty
These artworks speak for themselves! Did Egypt really inspire these? Who knows?! (Of course the artists.)
But that sure, these inspiring sculptures are part of anthropomorphic world of art.
Thank you for your attention!
Next Article:
Coming Soon...


  1. Outstanding, superb, just what we need here. Well done, keep up the awesome work!

    1. Thank you very much! ^.^
      "Just what we need here" - Suddenly i thought that, yeah, the anthro world need more similar stylish/tasteful sculptures. :D

  2. I have never heard of these artists before, nor have I seen anything quite as good where anthro sculpture is concerned. Really lovely work and I am glad to see it here first! =D

    1. My pleasure and Thank you very much!
      These artworks very beautiful and i really like them... in honestly the female characters... so much tasteful... :D Very inspiring... also... :D So i glad to shared them!
      Honestly, i want to try the sclupture and the anthro sclupture... ^.^ But still, i have been no time and i was very lazy.... but maybe in the near future! ^.^

    2. I encourage you to sculpt when you have the time. Your 2-D artwork is just fantastic, whatever you create will be worth viewing. Keep it up!


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