
Traditional Anthro/Furry Art Versus Digital

 As  an "old school" traditional artist, I am trying to teach myself how to paint digitally. Believe me, it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks! There are pros and cons to both. I think I will always prefer traditional because I like to mix paints and use real paper. On the other hand, a laptop or drawing tablet is handy to take anywhere. As an artist/art fan,which type of medium do you use/like the best? A traditional version of Peggy The Pin-Up Girl And the digital colored version


  Jo-Joy, Christmas 1947   Hi Guys! From the Is It Anthro? Department comes the oddity that is Jo-Joy !  Jo-Joy is a living jack-in-the-box who has all kinds of adventures thanks to his " magic spring ."  From 1945 to 1953 , he appeared in these promotional comic books put out by the W. T. Grant Department Stores every year around Christmas .    Once upon a time, Grant's was one of the biggest department store chains in America !  By the end of the Second World War , they had come to rule the lower end of the retail ladder .  Baby Boomers everywhere would have been well familiar with these guys and so it's no surprise that Jo-Joy became something of a hit .  Or at least that's what the advertising in these comics seems to suggest !         So you're probably wondering what the actual comics are about .  I've only read a couple , but they seem to follow the same basic book-length plot :  Santa gets into some kind of jam at the North Pole and

Giddy Goose

    Hi Guys! Today I've got something for you from the pages of Buster Bear Comics number 9 for April 1955 !  That's about one month after the little Comics Code Authority Seal of Approval first started appearing on the covers of most American comic books .  Most, that is, except those that were clearly intended for little kids!     Buster Bear and his friends fell into the "little kids" category, so no seal of approval needed here .  Even so, you've got some serious name-calling and some pretty bad stereotypes .  Perfect for shaping young minds!   Take a look at the following misadventures of Buster's associate, Giddy Goose , and you'll see what I mean :       All's well that ends well I guess.  But if you ask me, Giddy needs to get himself a quality girlfriend .  That Chickie is a real two-timer , always on the lookout for a better prospect !  Not the most flattering picture of the fairer sex , especially in a story for little kids !  I

The Scrabbleclaw Affair PT1 (Rat PI)

 I realized it has been forever since I posted something to Hybrid. Here I am remedying that with one of my newer characters: Skreet Snickertooth a Private Investigator who just happens to be a rat. This character was created with the input of several contributors, my challenge was to bring the character and stories to life. Here's his first outtingm the Scrabbleclaw Affair!


Image This guy is incredible.  And... he can write. Living the dream. This world needs more laughter. (Because Tirrel's art and animations are all over the internet, I have posted these few examples of this great artist's work.  I have not asked for or received permission to do so.  As always, if an artist desires that I remove their work from Hybrid, I will do so as soon as I am informed). I plead enthusiasm!

One Great Subject, Two Great Artists

Here's a little homage to harbinger-project !  His creative interpretation of the "Arthur" characters is really appealing in that it takes the innocence of the originals and relocates it in a grown-up and more contemporary milieu.  This is a world where one can wear a lavender-colored sailor suit and not be hassled for it.  Which is how things should be.   This pic is heavily inspired by  George and Fern: Summer in Morioh Town   Check out Harbinger-project's gallery for more -- If you are like me, you will find that his art very quickly grows on you! (The original "Arthur" characters belong to Marc Brown and their older and more intriguing counterparts belong to Harbinger-project)  

A Few Early Elsies

  I tell you what, I'd sure look twice!   Hi Guys , I already did a post on Elsie the Cow and the 1939 New York World's Fair , but since then I've found a few more of these early promotional postcards illustrated by, well, Walter Early !  Early was the main guy behind this key character in anthro advertising .  And while there's no denying that his stuff can be a little weird at times, it's certainly memorable !  And that, after all, is the point of advertising! That sounds... exotic So, what's the dirtiest show at the Fair?  I had to look up this expression -- apparently it means to do a job with zero care and effort... Well, that's all I've got for now guys!  Stay tuned for more fun with Elsie the Cow in future installments ! *******